I've just noticed this unbelievable graph of Job searching in Google Trends:
Job seeking search volume index worldwide |
this graph you can clearly see that the tendency of people to seek the term "job" around the world is very high from January and slowly descends until December, then quickly climbs in January, that's quite a anthropological phenomenon. A new year could perhaps engage people in ideas of a new and better future, perhaps a new job :) while in Israel:
Job seeking search volume index / Israel |
I guess in Israel people are looking for a better stature throughout the year. Even the term "New Year" is miscalled "Silvester" which is a very silly thing, they know how to take out the fun parts in life.
happy job hunting ! it's almost New year's !
also found that nice graph for the terms "winter" and "summer" over the years:
and the most amazing is that the search volume index of
Sinus looks just like a sinus !
The sinus sinus trend ! |
oh I'm such a geek...